These stunning candle quartz clusters are truly one of a kind. Their clear and pink hues and intricate formations make them highly cherished. This quartz is believed to be healing, restorative, and to promote personal growth.
A: 3.5" W x 3" D x 4" H; 539g
B: 4.5" W x 3.75" D x 2.5" H; 284g
C: 4.75" W x 3.5" D x 3.25" H; 614g
D: 5.5" W x 4" D x 2.25" H; 572g
E: 3.5" W x 2.75" D x 3" H; 362g
F: 4.75" W x 4" D x 4" H; 824g
G: 5.25" W x 2.5" D x 3.25" H; 460g